• सुन्दरहरैचा नगरपालिकाको आयोजनामा ४ दिन ई-पेमेन्ट, ई-सिफारिस सम्बन्धि सफ्टवयेर तालिम सम्पन्न पश्चात प्रमाण पत्र ग्रहण गर्दै गर्दाको एको तस्विर...

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Micro-Teaching Lesson Plan Computer Science Class 6

 Lesson Plan - 2

Subject:- Computer science                                                         Date:- 2072-12-06
Unit:- One (1)                                                                               Class:- Six (6)
Lesson Topic:-Computer                                                              Period:- Second
Subject Matter:- Introduction of Computer                                Time:- 15 min

1. Specific Object:
        At the end of the lesson, students will be able to :
              a. Define a Computer.
              b. List the part of Computer System.
2. Teaching Materials:
        - Daily using materials ( Marker , Duster , White-Board)
        - Picture of Computer with it's parts.
3. Teaching learning Activity:
        a. Motivation:
            The teacher motivate the student by asking some question about a computer.
                    i. Have you ever seen computer?
                    ii. Why they used computer?
                    iii. What are the devices connected with computer?
        b. Presentation:
                    i. With the help of the motivational question teacher define the computer.
                    ii. Teacher demonstrates the part of computer with the help of picture parts.
         c. Practice:
                    i. Teacher assigns to student to read the lesson.
                    ii. Teacher assign to student to find the definition of computer in lesson.
                    iii. Teacher assign to student to draw a picture of computer with it's parts.
4. Evaluation:
       a. What is computer?
       b. What are the parts of computer system?
5. Homework:
       a. Draw a picture of computer system with it's parts?


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